ICT Convergence Sign with Prolancer

<p>ICT Convergence, a leader in the telcommunications product and service field in Nigeria, have signed with Prolancer to continue distributing Total Recall VR voice logging products.</p><p><!--break--></p><p>Everyone at Total Recall VR is pleased to welcome ICT Convergence back, and to continue offering great products and services to our clients in Nigeria via this highly professional channel partner.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>For more information about ICT Convergence, see h

Welcome Back, Daytronik Solutions!

<p>Daytronik Solutions has signed with Prolancer to continue distributing Total Recall voice logging systems in Central and Southern Africa.</p><p><!--break--></p><p>We're really pleased to continue our longstanding relationship with Daytronik Solutions, and we look forward to maintaining (and indeed expanding!) the great products, service and support that our partnership has provided to clients in the Central and Southern African region over the years.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>For more information on Daytronik Solutions, see
